Automatic Connection (Samsung Routines)

The Routine function learns your usage patterns and recognizes situations to suggest and automatically set various actions and apps accordingly.

Users can set “conditions” and “actions” so that specified actions are automatically executed when the set conditions are met.

1. How to Access Routines

STEP01 Modes and Routines ▶ Routines Tab ▶ Create Routine


2. Automatic DeX Start

Automatically start DeX when you enter your vehicle. When the vehicle's ignition is turned on, the vehicle's Bluetooth starts and connects to your phone. The following method uses this Bluetooth connection to automatically launch DeX.

If you install the latest version of the app, you can even enter the dex screen.

STEP01 Modes and Routines ▶ Routines Tab ▶ Create Routine

STEP02 Add a Starting Condition

STEP03 Bluetooth Device ▶ Popup ▶ Select Device

STEP04 Bluetooth Device: Select your vehicle's Bluetooth (e.g., Soul EV)

STEP05 Bluetooth Device Popup ▶ Select "When Connected" ▶ Done

STEP06 Create Routine: Add an Action to Perform

STEP07 What Should It Do? Select the connected device ▶ Samsung DeX ▶ Use ▶ Done

Samsung DeX → Use

STEP08 Create Routine: Save

When connected to the Bluetooth device (Soul EV), Samsung DeX will start.

STEP09 Enter and save the routine name.

STEP10 The routine is saved with the new name.

3. Auto-Start Google Maps/Youtube Music When DeX is Launched

Automatically start frequently used apps (Tmap/Melon) when DeX starts. To start two apps automatically, one can be launched via the app, and the other via Bixby.

STEP01 Create Routine ▶ Add a Starting Condition

STEP02 When Should It Start? ▶ Samsung DeX ▶ Started ▶ Done

STEP03 Create Routine ▶ What Should It Do?

STEP04 What Should It Do? ▶ Applications ▶ Open an App or Run App Actions

앱을 열거나 앱 동작 바로 실행

STEP05 Open Melon ▶ Done

STEP06 What Should It Do? ▶ Add Action

STEP07 What Should It Do? ▶ Bixby Voice

STEP08 Request to Bixby ▶ Enter "Start Tmap" ▶ Done

STEP09 Create Routine: Save (Enter the routine name) When Samsung DeX starts, it will launch Youtube Music and ask Bixby to start.

4. Auto-Play Music (Youtube Music)

Automatically play music when connected to the vehicle and the Melon app is launched.

STEP01 Create Routine ▶ Add a Starting Condition

STEP02 Bluetooth Device ▶ Popup ▶ Select Device

STEP03 Bluetooth Device ▶ Select your vehicle's Bluetooth (Soul EV)

STEP04 Bluetooth Device Popup ▶ Select "When Connected" ▶ Done

STEP05 Add a Condition

STEP06 Add a Condition ▶ App Launch

STEP07 App Launch: Select Youtube Music ▶ Done

STEP08 Add an Action to Perform

STEP09 What Should It Do? ▶ Select Music

STEP10 After Selecting Music ▶ Select Play Music

STEP11 Play Music: Select Melon ▶ Done

STEP12 Create Routine: Save (Enter the routine name) When connected to the vehicle's Bluetooth and the Melon app is launched, Youtube Music will play.

5. Auto-Stop Music When DeX Exits

When DeX is exited, the music that was playing may continue on the phone. The following method allows you to automatically stop the music when DeX exits.

STEP01 Modes and Routines ▶ Routines Tab ▶ Create Routine

STEP02 Add a Starting Condition

STEP03 Samsung DeX ▶ Popup ▶ Exited ▶ Done

STEP04 Add an Action to Perform

STEP05 Applications ▶ Close App ▶ Select the app to close (Youtube Music)

App termination
Select YT Music

STEP06 Create Routine: Save (Enter the routine name) When Samsung DeX exits, the Melon app will be closed.

Save Routines

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